


Contact details

AkcesAG Real Estate Agency

90-217 Łódź, Sterlinga St. 17 lok. 3

tel. +48 507 105 965

fax: 42/678 54 19

Location Łódź, Śródmieście, Śródmieście
Building type office building
Total area [m2] 100.00 m²
Floor 1floor
Rental commission 2800 PLN (28,00 PLN / m²)


Costs included in House community fee Water
Costs depending on use co, Current
Storey 3
Condition for registration
Stan prawny property
Windows new PCV
Fittings new
Premises type one-storey
Premises utility usable
Heating Own the building
Alarm yes
Lift no
Break-prooven doors yes
Parking available near
Contact details to agent
First and last Name Anna Gajda
Mobile +48 693 392 119
E-mail akcesag@akcesag.com.pl
No License 488
Department AkcesAG Biuro Obrotu Nieruchomościami Anna Gajda
Contact form
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All information given on this site are not the offer according to Civil Code.

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